
This website is free to use, and always will be!

Until Google makes their embedding feature easier then this website is necessary for those without a) developer skills or b) lots of time to learn the inner workings of the code. It’s unfortunate that Google still makes adding a map to your website really hard.

If you have any feature suggestions or bug reports please do get in touch and I will add them when I have some free time. This website is a labour of love not a money-making venture 🙂

This website does not cost much to run, the hosting is only about $10 a month but every little helps. If you want to give something back then please donate anything you can afford to keep this website up and running. There is no pressure here, I WILL NOT start asking people to donate to use the service or anything like that. If you have donated before I will add your name and link here as a THANK YOU.

PayPal for donations: [email protected]

List of donations

  1. Marc Lawrence
  2. trustyl3
  3. Janet?
  4. (Anonymous)
  5. (Anonymous)
  6. (Anonymous)
  7. David Gibbon
  8. The West family